What info do you need to Register for the Bucky?
On Sept. 3, 2024, at 6 p.m. sharp, the Home Page will feature a registration link.
You will need to refresh the page after 6 p.m. to get the registration screen to appear.
We are using Trackside Registration which handles Credit Card payments via Stripe.
Follow the form provided, which starts by verifying that your AMA Membership is current and active.
You must be an active AMA member – Trackside Registration will not allow you to register without current active membership. Note that if you use auto-renew, you may need to manually update payment for the next year if your membership lapses before Oct. 26.
- Email: We do not share your information, but need to be able to contact you with info about the ride and the GPX file for GPS upload before the ride.
- Bike you bring: must be
- Street legal with all required WI DOT-legal equipment
- Operator must be licensed
- Bike sound limit is 96 decibels and will be checked. If it’s loud, don’t bring it!
- Total cost for the Bucky will be approximately $130 per rider ($125 + $5 processing), includes the ride, a shirt, lunch, and dinner.
- NOTE: Limited to 250 riders. Once we hit 250 (and we will), any further entries will be returned.